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Your long-term future
Many will rise from the dead and live forever
Resurrection at the return of Jesus Christ
Wealth is no help for a long-term future
The importance of belief and baptism
Blessings and help that faith in God's plan brings
How should we view the judgement?
God's message asks us to change our lives
Our only hope of a long-term future is through Jesus Christ
Eternal life is a gift from God
What is Sheol (or Hell)?
Bible characters
Joseph of Arimathaea
God's people
Those in Christ are part of God's plan
People of Israel were God's kingdom in the past
Israel - God's chosen people
Those in Christ can have forgiveness
The Breaking of Bread
God has foretold Jewish history
God's people include both Jews and non-Jews
Sons of God
The people God chooses
God's people are described as a bride
God's saints
God's Covenants - General covenants
God's Covenants - the new covenant
God's covenants - with the Israelites
Bad things happen to good people
We can become children of God
The challenges for disciples of Jesus Christ
God is aware of our problems
The mind of the Spirit
Advice on living
Be careful who you listen to
Doing God's will
Love should be central in our lives
God's principles can be very unpopular
God's view of marriage
Receiving God's message
Be careful what we say
Examining our motives
Christ our example
Being selfless
The danger of riches
Showing compassion
Preparing for Jesus to come
Suffering can be for our good
Learning from problems
God wants us to seek for him
Being content
Trusting in God
God wants us to believe he will do what he has promised
Past experience can encourage us to trust God
learning from the past
Recognising the evidence
Seeing God's control in our lives
God's forgiveness depends on our forgiveness
Bad thoughts are related to bad deeds
Leave judgement of our enemies to God
Faith comes from listening to God's word
Helping the needy
Making a stand
God will forgive us if we confess our sins
Showing kindness
Coping with stress
Seeking and finding God
Submitting to authorities
Respect for God
Belief and faith
Submitting to God's will
Faith must show in our lives
Fearing God
Jesus the Christ
Jesus can forgive sins
Faith (belief) in Jesus Christ
Jesus rose from the dead
Jesus is the promised special person
Jesus was tempted as we are
Titles of Jesus - Son of God
Jesus ascended to heaven
Jesus has enabled our sins to be forgiven
The significance of Jesus' name
The significance of Jesus' resurrection
Titles of Jesus - king of the Jews
Titles of Jesus - the Christ
Why did Jesus die?
Jesus was born of the virgin Mary
Titles of Jesus - Saviour and King
Jesus never sinned
Titles of Jesus - God's anointed
Jesus was made perfect through suffering
Jesus was tempted by the devil
Jesus' miracles show he is God's Son
Jesus died for our sins
Jesus does God's will
Jesus has God's authority
Jesus was sacrificed for us
The work of Jesus was foretold in the Old Testament
Jesus was not corrupted by power
Titles of Jesus - Lamb of God
Titles of Jesus - Light of the world
Titles of Jesus - Son of Man
Jesus' crucifixion fulfilled Old Testament predictions
Titles of Jesus - son of David
Jesus shared our human nature
Jesus can raise people from the dead
Human nature
Beware of jealousy
We are inclined to bad ways
Disobedience to God brings problems and death
The devil - Bible facts
We are all sinners
Why do we sin?
What is sin?
The devil - how it is overcome
The devil - brought to nothing by the death of Jesus
Sin - a serious matter
We are never satisfied
Human ideas are not to be trusted
We have no hope without God
The results of Adam's disobedience
The conflict between flesh and spirit
God's message will be corrupted
Satan - Bible facts
What is satan?
The dead are unconscious
We should trust God rather than complain
God's master plan
Baptism - a first century practice
The special person will have God's wisdom
God's promised special person
God's special person will improve our world
God's promises to Abram
God's message of salvation
The Kingdom of God in the New Testament (2)
The Kingdom of God in the Old Testament
The Kingdom of God in the New Testament (1)
Jesus Christ will rule over all nations
Salvation can be open to all
Baptism - its meaning
How we can be right with God
Jesus Christ will return to the earth
God's promises to David
God's plan gives us the hope of eternal life
The Kingdom of Heaven
Jerusalem - future world capital
The promised land
God's grace
Special Holy Spirit powers
The one faith
The rule of Jesus will show God's love and standards
The work of angels
The beginning of the Good News
Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in New Testament times
God and Jesus Christ can be with us
No more sin and death
God's promises to Isaac
All nations will worship at Jerusalem
How God deals with world rulers
God - offers salvation to all people
God - the Creator
The Bible is God's message to us
The Holy Spirit is God's power
God tests our faith in him
The Jews are God's witnesses
God is the God of Israel
God is merciful to those who respect him
God asks for obedience
God is a loving God
The glory of God
God helps those who trust him
The power and permanence of God
God listens to prayer
God's principles cannot be ignored without consequences
God is our judge
God is right in all He does
Words from God
God is with his people
We sometimes don't understand God's ways
The wicked will be judged
God gives us good reasons to trust him
Being led by the spirit of God
We should praise God
God - the source of wisdom
The only true God
God's promises to Esau
The God of the Bible is a forgiving God
Grieving God's Spirit